Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome To COLORADO!

Well my thoughts on the Tourism aspect of this legalization.  Sounds like they are doing a pretty great job:
By  and  in an article at
Matt Brown stands amid the lush green foliage of a 14,000-square-foot indoor marijuana grow facility and spins his vision of marijuana tourism. It resembles a trip to wine country.
Out-of-state visitors, picked up from the airport in 30-seat passenger limousine buses (on which smoking will be permitted), will disembark in this warehouse district of Denver and receive an all-access tour of the growing operation, which is owned by a friend of Brown’s: The “mother” room, where the clones are born; the grow rooms, where the plants mature; the trim room, where the final product is sliced and diced. Afterward, there might be time for the group to take a pot-cooking class at a nearby cooking school—just so long as they make it to the private facility that’s been rented out in time for the tour’s daily “happy hour,” occurring promptly at 4:20 each afternoon.

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