Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring is here How is everyone Doing?

Spring is here, I wish I had more time to post online looks like I have got some viewers. Would love to hear from you! SO, I live in Colorado and Amendment 64 is supposed to be the next best thing since buttered bread. Well, I sure would like to make some dough off of the new law if I could that would be sweet! I am really looking to hear from Anyone who has any kind of Expert knowledge on the new laws. So far it seems to me that they ultimately want the "potential retailer" to handle 100% of the product from Seed to Sale. Am I reading this stuff correctly? I had this Huge idea that I could start a courier service to get product from Vendor to Retailer. Now, I ask you smart people reading this, How on EARTH are the "Lucky Retailers" who do manage to get a licence going to be able to create enough product to satisfy the demand once they allow over the counter non MMJ card holders the option to buy? I personally know ALOT of people who will buy. I am thinking of growing myself (just because I CAN) will post pics when I can! Eagerly Awaiting the Beautiful humming birds this summer has to offer in Beautiful Southwest Colorado! Enjoy your Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen or used the Hydropot? I bought one at a home show, met the owner (cool guy with big vision). It's actually revived a ficus that everyone told me was dying and dead. I'm gonna try some other stuff in it.
